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Advertising Design
Web Advertising
$35 including 2 photos
Additional photos $5 each
Photography touch up a la carte
Print Advertising (per page)
$45 including 1 photo
Additional photos $5 each
Photography touch up a la carte
Pedigree Design
Pedigree Design
$25 - 4 Generation Text Only
$35 - 5 Generation Text Only
$50 - 4 Generation Text and Photo (registered names only)
$60 - 4 Generation Text and Photo (registered names and health testing)
Website Design
Website Design
No Host
Initial Set Up with 5 pages, 1 image per page
Maintenance done by purchaser
-Additional Images $10 each
-Photography touch up a la carte
photography alteration work starts at $20 for each 30 minutes.
Photography alteration
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