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Feb 10th

Park BISS GChG. Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle FDC ACT1 CGC TKN HT and his Junior Alicia Sierra took a trip to Westminster making a cut in the huge Open Intermediate Jr class and then goes on to Best Opposite to Variety at The Garden!

Jan 24-26

The Collie Club of WA and Overlake Collie Club weekend brought a bit more ribbonage for this month. Park BISS GChG. Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle FDC ACT1 CGC TKN HT and his Junior Alicia Sierra collected the following:

✨️️Fri under Judge Richard Lewis
🍾RBJ Handler,  Best of Variety Smooth and Best Opposite Sex to Breed.
✨️Sat AM under Judge Michelle Esch Brooks
🍾 Best Junior Handler and Select Dog
✨️Sat PM under Judge Isabel Ososki
🍾Best Opposite Sex to Variety
✨️Sun AM under Judge Patrick Wentworth
🍾Best Junior Handler and Best of Opposite Sex to Variety
✨️Sun PM under Judge Caleb Campbell
🍾Best Junior Handler
✨️Sun PM under Lynn H Butler  
🍾Best Opposite Sex to Variety

One of his sons, Ch SnoValley Satisfaction Guaranteed also completed is GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP this weeked! His half sister (same dam Can Ch/Am GChS Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles) Penny, SnoValley I Don't Kiss and Tell also picked up points this weekend.

Truly, Kara Christo Truly Classic came out after a few months growing up and took home a major reserve under Richard Lewis.

Then baby Bella Tercan 'N Zandria Let It Be kicked it up a notch and from the 6-9 Puppy Bred By Class takes WB BOW Best Puppy (for a major!) under Michelle Esch, WB under Patrick Wentworth, and then repeats going WB BOW and Best Puppy under Lynn Butler for her second major! She is now already at 10 pts both majors!  A Very good month overall!

Jan 18-20

The Western Washington Winter Cluster in Puyallup WA started off a great show season! Park BISS GChG. Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle FDC ACT1 CGC TKN HT and co-owner Dean Justice started the year off with a bang, going Herding Group 1 on Saturday, then a NOHS Grp 4 on Sunday, and finished Monday with a Group 3 and NOHS Group 1!



Dec 7-8

News from Canada and Cardross Collies that the smooth Leo has earned his American CH becoming NEW CHAMPION Am/Can Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Kiss This! At Cardross - owned by Beth Rutherford. Congratulations! He is by GCh Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie's Fortunes Favor TKN PT HTAD1 x Can Ch/Am GChS Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles TKN HIC.
One last show weekend for the year at the San Gabriel Valley Collie Club and Sierra Nevada Collie club specialties and Park (BISS GChG. Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle FDC ACT1 CGC TKN HT) and Alicia go Select under Nancy Anstruther, Best of Variety and BOS to Breed under Randy Sheets, and Best Opposite to Variety under Adria Weiner. This weekend also made him a
Gold Grand Champion!

Nov 30-Dec 1

Fun but chilly weekend at the Pacific NW Collie Club shows and Greater Clark County KC All Breed cluster.
For the specialties, Park (BISS GChS. Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle FDC ACT1 CGC TKN HT) and Alicia went BOS to Variety under Amy Gau and Carrie Lenhart. At the all breed, Park and Alicia picked up a nice Best of Variety under Judy Harrington, Select under Cassie Frank as well as two Open Intermediate Junior 3rd place wins.
Baby Bella (Tercan 'N Zandria's Let It Be) played in the 4 to 6 class and won a Herding Group 2 shown by Jennifer Weatherly and a Herding Group 3 shown by Stephanie Atkin Banning.

Nov 15-17

We had a fun weekend at the Collie Club of Washington and Whidbey Island Kennel Club Shows.
Park BISS GCHS Tercan N Zandria's Spin the Bottle, HT, ACT1, CGC, TKN showed with both Dean Justice and Alicia.
BOV in Specialty Judge Emily Fish with Alicia
Select in Specialty Judge Pat Jung with Alicia
BOV Judge Allen Odom with Alicia
BOS Judge Kim Leblanc with Dean
BOS Judge Michael Canalizo with Dean
Alicia also competed in Jr's with Daegan (GChB.Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire IT TKN FDC ACT1 ACT1J CGC HIC) and Park, getting a Best Junior at the Specialty and 3rd in her Open Intermediate classes on Saturday in the AM and at the Junior Showcase Saturday night.


Nov 10

News of a NEW CHAMPION from the midwest as Leo (the rough version) finishes for Cindy Ann and Joe Fraga under j. Robette Johns! He is now known as Ch. Zandria 'n Tercan's Cyndan Thief of Hearts DCAT! Congratulations! Leo is by Ch SnoValley Countryview Composition x Can Ch/Am G ChS Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles TKN HIC

Oct 18-20

Had a great weekend in Cashmere WA at the Wenatchee KC All Breeds and Overlake Collie Club Concurrent and Designated Specialties.

Our baby Bella, Tercan 'N Zandria's Let It Be, was in the ring for the first time at 4 months and 1 ½ weeks in the 4 to 6 month beginner puppy classes as the Wenatchee All Breed show. With her puppy whisperer handler Jeanne Justice she went all the way to Best Puppy in Show over 27 entries! Bella is sired by GCh Tercan ‘N Zandria’s Song and Dance IT TKN x GCh Monarch Tercan ‘N Zandria Que Sera and is owned and bred by myself, Alexzandra Erb, Macy Banning and Stephanie Atkin Banning.

Park, BISS GChS Tercan ‘N Zandria’s Spin The Bottle FDC ACT1 CGC TKN HT had a great weekend himself picking up two BOV Designated Specialty wins under Jimmy Moses and Linda Riedel, an All Breed BOS under Pat Trotter, and Select Dog at the concurrent Specialty under Deb Smith. He also added a Herding Group 2 under Dr Vandra Huber, a NOHS Group 2 under Linda Riedel, a Herding Group 4 under Jimmy Moses, and a NOHS Reserve BIS under Dr Vandra Huber!

While the wins are great, what I am really impressed with is the teamwork between Dean and Park – Saturday was a mad dash day as they went from BOV, had about a 10 min break, then went into the Herding Group for their G2, then went straight into NOHS for another G2, then literally RAN to the Overlake Specialty (getting Select Dog) which had already started and Specials had already entered the ring! For a dog that isn’t even 4 yet there were some ‘moments’ but dang, he showed every single go round (and clearly did it well!).

Keeping it all in the family, Park’s brother Toby was busy sniffing things in California getting his Container Novice Elite and Exterior Novice Elite titles giving him an overall Scent Work Novice Elite title and placing in over half of his runs. He also earned his BCAT and Fetch Intermediate (FTI) titles! Congratulations Tessa Tan on all of your hard work with Toby! Pending AKC results, he is Tercan ‘N Zandria’s Pucker Up Buttercup! FDC SWE SWNE SCAE SIAE RATO CGCA CGCU TKI ATT FITB FTI BCAT (plus NACSW titles NW3 L1I L1E and L1C).

Sept 7-8

GChS Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle adds an HT to his name earning his qualifying scores at the Collie Club of America Regional Herding Trial! His sons Briar and Jaxson and half sister Penny all earned IT titles as well. Not to be left out Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Song and Dance earns his IT title.

July 20

New GRAND for Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Song and Dance at the Tacoma KC handled by Jeanne Justice! Also earning Farm Dog titles were Park (GChS Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle), Daegan (GCHB CH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA'S PLAYING WITH FIRE CGC TKN and Isla (GChB Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI RN) with Dean and Jeanne Justice!

July 6-7

GChS Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle and his Jr Handler Alicia Sierra repeat going Best Junior in Show!

May 26-27

GChS Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle helped his Jr Handler Alicia Sierra go all the way to Best Junior in Show out of 28 kids, then went and snagged a Herding Group 4 under David Alexander at the Spokane KC shows!

May 17-19

At the Mt Baker KC cluster GChS Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle picked up a Group 2 under Janet Fink, a NOHS Group 2 under Eva Berg and a NOHS Group 3 under Bryan Martin handled by co-owner Dean Justice!

Tercan 'N Zandria's Kissmet came back out and picked up a major under Vandra Huber with WB/BOW leaving her with just a major to go to finish.

March 8-10

At the Silver Falls KC cluster GChS Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle won the variety all weekend and then had a great time in Group winning a Group 2 and then a NOHS Best In Show handled by co-owner Dean Justice under Rick Gschwender!

The new kid on the block, Kara Christo Truly Classic was at her first ever show and picked up WB for a point and then a RWB from the 6-9 puppy class.

Jan 28-29

GChS Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle CGC TKN has two very nice wins at the Overlake Collie Club Specialties going BOS to Variety under Carrie Lenhart and a second BOS to Variety and on to BOS to Breed under Jennifer Weiner. In addition, Park's kids from his first litters pick up multiple majors leaving 3 of them with just minors needed to finish their titles.

Our newest kid Kifli, Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Song and Dance goes Select Dog under Carrie Lenhart, Jennifer Weiner and Jennifer Rutkas and goes BOS to Variety under Joe Reno over multiple male specials at the Overlake and Collie Club of Washington Specialties giving him 4 5pt Grand majors in one weekend!

Jan 18-21

GChS Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle CGC TKN continues his roll towards his Gold Grand with a BOV under Michael Faulkner,  Opposite under Lydia Coleman Hutchinson and two Select Dogs.


Jan 13-15

GChS Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle CGC TKN starts off 2024 with 2 Best of Variety and one Best Opposite at the Puyallup shows under Jimmy Moses, Linda Riedel and Debra Gschwender.


Year End Statistics are in!

Congratulations to GChS Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle CGC TKN for finishing #7 Breed (Canine Chronicle) and ranked #12 All Breed for 2023!  He also finishes at #9 Smooth in the CCA Hawkins rating system!


Nov 30-Dec 3


The last show weekend of the year went out with a bang!


ZANDRIA 'N TERCAN'S CHAMPAGNE KISSES CAVIAR DREAMS earns herself 2 Specialty RWB placements at the Pacific NW Collie Club shows.

NEW CHAMPION Kifli, Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Song and Dance won a specialty major under Dana Kline (and Best Bred By Exhibitor in Specialty) and finished the next day. He is the third in his litter to finish within 3 months. NEW CHAMPION CH. Swan's One Giant Leap At Hartgrove (Niel) owned by Kaitlyn Moore and Suanne Hardie finished Nov 19. These boys were bred by Suanne King Hardie, myself, and Alexzandra Erb and is sired by Ch SnoValley Countryview Composition out of MBISS GChS Swan's Grand Jete' Of Tercan CCA 2x AOM. Kifli is owned by myself and Alexzandra Erb. 


GCH CH Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortune's Favor PT TKN HTAD1 'Liam' picked up two Specialty Select Dog's and an All Breed Select rolling on toward his Bronze. He also hit the ring with his sire GCHB CH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA'S PLAYING WITH FIRE CGC TKN to take a Best Brace in Specialty

Park, GChS Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle TKN wins his first Best In Specialty win under Janice McLeary and also goes BOV at the Pacific NW Collie Club uner Dana Cline. He then rolls into the all breed shows at the same site picking up a Group 3 (Dana Cline) and a Group 4 (Janice McCleary) at the Greater Clark County KC show piloted by co-breeder/co-owner Alexandra Erb. Park also partied in the Jr's ring helping Alex's daughtr win a Specialty Best Jr and Reserve Best Jr then on to the all breed shows for a nice placement in a big Open Intermediate class.  Park was bred by myself and Alexzandra Erb. He is sired by GCh Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortunes Favor PT TKN HTAD1 x Can Ch/Am GChS Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles. He is owned by myself, Alexzandra Erb, Dean Justice and Jeanne Justice.

Oct 21-22

It was a busy weekend in 4 states!
In OK, Neil, Swan's One Giant Leap At Hartgrove CGC picked up a 3pt major and a 5pt reserve. In the same weekend he jumped into Texas to take another WD for a point. Neil was bred by Suanne King Hardie, myself, and Alexzandra Erb and is sired by Ch SnoValley Countryview Composition out of MBISS GChS Swan's Grand Jete' Of Tercan CCA 2x AOM. He is owned by Natasha Wright and Suanne Hardie. Congratulations Natasha for handling him to his wins!
In Washington, Broadway, Zandria 'N Tercan's Taking The Stage At Ruff Hearts picked up 2 pts at the Wenatchee KC shows and ran in Fastcat! Broadway was bred by myself and Alexzandra Erb and is sired by Ch SnoValley Countryview Composition out of Can Ch/Am GChS Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles. He is owned by Coleen Elliott Congratulations Coleen for wins in both arenas!
Part of our crew took off for a weekend for the Collie Club of CO shows and had a great time. Bishop, SnoValley Hyperdyne Hero At Valinor picked up a major reserve under Robette Johns. He is by Ch SnoValley Countryview Composition out of Can Ch/Am GChS Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles (repeat litter). He was bred by Terry and Mary Cox, myself and Alexzandra Erb and is owned by Meg Holsinger, Curtis Holsinger, and Terry and Mary Cox. Congratulations Meg for doing so well with your young goober!
Also in Colorado, our Kifli, Tercan 'N Zandria's Song and Dance picked up 3 major reserves under Phyllis Autrey, Mary Benedict and Elaine Goto-Tamae. Kifli was bred by Suanne King Hardie, myself, and Alexzandra Erb and is sired by Ch SnoValley Countryview Composition out of MBISS GChS Swan's Grand Jete' Of Tercan CCA 2x AOM. He is owned by myself and Alexzandra Erb. Thank you Dean Justice for showing him this weekend! Great job!

NEW CHAMPION Henley, Swan's Invictus Victorious (littermate to Kifli and Neil) had a quick trip to his Championship picking up 3 majors to finish under Phyllis, Mary and Elaine. He is owned by Suanne King-Hardie and bred by Suanne, Tercan and Zandria collies.
To round out the weekend, Park, GChS Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle TKN went Select 3 of the 4 days and BOS to V under Mary Benedict. Park was bred by myself and Alexzandra Erb. He is sired by GCh Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortunes Favor PT TKN HTAD1 x Can Ch/Am GChS Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles. He is owned by myself, Alexzandra Erb, Dean Justice and Jeanne Justice. Thank you Laura Kling for taking the reigns this weekend and showing Park off!  To add to his feathered cap, Park's first litter is starting out in the ring. SnoValley Meant To Be wins her first points at the Wenatchee KC show! Maizie is bred and owned by Terry and Mary Cox and is out of SnoValley Deorsa Summer Memories.

Sept 15-17

Tercan 'N Zandria's Song and Dance went WD on the 15th then WD/BOW on the 16th and 17th to bring his count to 10 points and a major before a year of age at the Timberland Valley KC shows. Addie, New River Tercan 'N Zandria Adventure took home a RWB and had a lot of fun in the ring for the weekend. GCH CH Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortune's Favor PT TKN HTAD1 'Liam' came out to play picking up a Select and Best of Variety for 8 points towards his Bronze title.

Aug 18-20

GCHB CH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA'S SPIN THE BOTTLE CGC TKN is now a SILVER GRAND CHAMPION! Park goes BOV 2 days at the Olympic KC show weekend to earn his next shiny title. Aunt Isla GChB Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI RI picks up her first two legs on her Rally Advanced title. Kifli, Tercan 'N Zandria's Song and Dance did a little song and dance of his own going BOV over 3 specials for a 4 point major win, then WD/BOW for 2 points bringing him to 7 points and a major in his first two weekends out.

Aug 12-14

GCHB CH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA'S SPIN THE BOTTLE CGC TKN goes BOV two days and BOS plus an NOHS Group 4 at the Sammamish KC shows. GChB Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI RN finishes her Rally Intermediate title then picks up Select.


July 28-30

GCHB CH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA'S SPIN THE BOTTLE CGC TKN goes BOV one day and Select 2 other days.GCHB CH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA'S PLAYING WITH FIRE CGC TKN goes BOV 2 days as well. GChB Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI RN picks up another leg on her Rally Intermediate title then picks up two Selects and a BOS. The new kids came out to play as well. Kifli, Tercan 'N Zandria's Song and Dance tried dog shows for the first time and picked up a point. Addie, New River Tercan 'N Zandria Adventure played in the 4 to 6 puppy classes earning a Herding Group 1 and 2!


July 8-10

GCHB CH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA'S SPIN THE BOTTLE CGC TKN went BOV all 3 days again and is closing in on his Silver Grand. GCh Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI finished her Rally Novice title with a perfect score and the next day earns her first leg of Rally Intermediate with a 2nd based on run off time. She also was in the conformation ring one day earning a BOS.  TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA'S KISSMET is back in the ring and goes WB/BOW/BOS over Specials and goes WB/BOW another day to wrap up the weekend. She is now minored out and waiting for majors. On the rough side of things, GCH MONARCH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA QUE SERA picks up two Selects.

June 24-25

GCHB CH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA'S SPIN THE BOTTLE CGC TKN goes BOV and SD for the weekend at the Canby OR shows.

May 19-21

GCHB CH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA'S SPIN THE BOTTLE CGC TKN went BOV all 3 days and won a NOHS 4 on Sunday! GCh Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI picked up two Rally legs and GCHB CH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA'S PLAYING WITH FIRE CGC TKN picked up a couple of Select Dog placements.

April 14

At the Inland Empire Collie Club AM Specialty, Ello earned her GRAND title! Congratulations to new GCH MONARCH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA QUE SERA and her co-owner Macy Banning!


It's a Wrap!

Year End Statistics are in!

Congratulations to GChB Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle CGC TKN for finishing #5 Breed (Canine Chronicle) and ranked #4 in the Hawkins System for 2022! GChB Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire CGC TKN also finished #20 Breed and GCh Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI finished the year ranked #12 in the Hawkins system and #24 in the CC Breed rankings. GCh Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI also finished #2 NOHS!

Dec 1-4

A great wrap up to 2022 at the Ridgefield clustr!

  • Pacific NW Collie Club AM Show BOV under Sulie Greendale-Paveza

  • Pacific NW Collie Club PM Show BOV under Dayl Phillip

  • Greater Clark County KC BOS/V and OH under Amy Gau

  • BOV and OH under Rosemary W Leist BOV under John Schoeneman


Partnered with Alicia Lee Sierra for a Best Jr at the Pacific NW Collie Club and Reserve Best Jr in Show at the Greater Clark County KC show.

SD under Rosemary W Leist to finish his BRONZE Grand Championship! The next day he goes SD under John Schoeneman.


  • Pacific NW Collie Club Select under Dayl Phillips

  • Greater Clark County KC Select under Amy Gau

  • Select under Rosemary W Leist Select under John Schoeneman

TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA'S KISSMET goes WB/BOW under John Shoeneman

ZANDRIA 'N TERCAN'S CHASE THE CLOUDS AWAY By CH SnoValley Countryview Composition - GCHS CH Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles TKN.Owned by Chris Dune goes RWD under Amy Gau and WD under John Schoeneman.


  • Pacific NW Collie Club AM Partnered with Macy to win Best Reserve Jr Handler

  • BOS to BOV under Sulie Greendale-Paveza Greater Clark County KC

  • Select under Rosemary W Leist

  • Select under John Schoeneman


Congratulations to Daegan's daughter, Degana, and co-breeder/owner Rebecca Bjorn-Lee for her wins as well!

LAURELEES LADY DEGANA. By GCH CH Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire CGC TKN - Tercan 'N Zandria's Plot Twist. Degana went RWB under Rosemary W Leist and John Schoeneman

And last but not least...Bunny the Sheltie got in on the action at her first shows!

LEIGH-HI'S BAD BUNNY AT CANZAN. By GCH CH Branstar Grandgables Fashion Icon - Leigh-Hi's Cardi B. Bunny went RWB under Rosemary W Leist.

Nov 19-20

NEW CHAMPION with Ceilidh's Blue Trie Affair! Tux finishes with two more majors! GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire CGC TKN picks up 2 Best of Breed wins to get closer to his Bronze. Nephew GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle CGC TKN picks up a NOHS Group 3! CH MONARCH TERCAN 'N ZANDRIA QUE SERA goes BOS both days to also move closer to her Grand.

Oct 21-23


Wenatchee KC BOB and Herding Group 4 under Judge Mrs. Joan Zielinski
NOHS Herding Group 2 under Judge Debra Long Gschwender
Overlake Collie Club Specialty BOS to Variety under Judge Mrs. Susan Bertrand
Wenatchee KC BOS under Judge Mr. David Alexander then BOB under Mrs. Debra Long Gschwender followed by a NOHS Group 4 under Judge Mr. David Alexander

Sept 16-18

GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle CGC TKN sweeps the weekend going BOV all 3 days for 3 more major wins. BOS wins went to his Aunt, GCh Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI who is also currently ranked #2 NOHS. GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire CGC TKN picks up 3 more Selects toward his Bronze.

Aug 20-21

GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle CGC TKN goes BOV twice for major wins plus a BOS to his Aunt, GCh Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI. Isla also earned her Bronze Grand this weekend! The final 2 points were won by NEW CHAMPION Monarch Tercan 'N Zandria's Que Sera with co-owner/handler Macy Banning!


Aug 13-14

Ceilidh's Blue Trie Affair picks up 5 pts at the Sammamish KC shows including his first major.

July 9-11

GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle CGC TKN picks up a major BOV and BOS while his Aunt, GCh Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI flip flopped and took her won BOV and BOS wins! Monarch Tercan 'N Zandria's Que Sera and co-owner/handler Macy Banning picked up two 5 point majors leaving her just a few points shy of her Championship!

May 28-29

Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle TKN goes BOV both days at the Inland Empire KC show picking up 2 more majors toward his Bronze.  Ceilidh's Blue Trie Affair earns two more points as well.

May 6-7

Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle TKN finished his GRAND title picking up 2 Best of Variety, 1 Opposite and 1 Select! He also took some time out to earn his Canine Good Citizenship title!  Ch Zandria 'N Tercan's Love & Light picked up two legs (with 2 1st Class placements) toward her BN and also added a Canine Good Citizenship title! Ceilidh's Blue Trie Affair earns two more points as well. Tercan 'N Zandria's Kissmet won her first two points and her sister Zandria 'N Tercan's Champagne Kisses Caviar Dreams "Tiffany" picks up her first point and a Reserve WB. GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire CGC TKN picks up a couple more Selects toward his Bronze. GCh Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI adds to the fun with an Opposite win and another NOHS win.

April 22-23

SnoValley Samba Blue takes no time in wrapping things up! NEW CHAMPION with two more 5 point majors including a Specialty major under Louise Palarik and an All Breed BOV over Specials under Joy Brewster!  Also in the ribbons under Louise Palarik was GCh Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI with a Specialty BOS to Variety/BOS to Breed, and Select Dog to GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire CGC TKN. Under Janet Fink, GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire CGC TKN takes a Specialty BOV and GCh Zandria's Blazing Isla BN CGCA CGCU TKI goes BOS to Variety. Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle TKN picked up a major BOS to Variety under Joy Brewster and also under Joy,  our 'new kid' also got in on the action - Ceilidh's Blue Trie Affair picks up his first point.

Collie Club of America National

March 30-April 2

We were very pleased with our trip to the National in Salt Lake this year. SnoValley Samba Blue takes 4th in 9-12 month puppy and Tercan 'N Zandria's Kissmet won 2nd in Open Tri. GCh Zandria's Blazin' Isla TKN earns two Agility legs with a 1st and 2nd place. To top it off,  BISS GCh Swan's Grand Jete' of Tercan wins her second Award of Merit!

Jan 27

We welcomed our new addition SnoValley Samba Blue who promptly won a 5pt major at the Collie Club of WA Specialty show under Lee Runnels!

Jan 20-23

And off we go! At the Rose City Classic at nearly 8 years of age, 'Winnie' comes off the couch and takes a big BOV win and cut in the group to finish her GRAND Championship! Now GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win at Jubillie, HIC IT! Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin the Bottle takes a major Select over specials toward his Grand as well.


It's a Wrap!

Year End Statistics are in!

Congratulations to GCHS CH Swan's Grand Jete' Of Tercan 'Dancer' for finishing #13 All Breed (Canine Chronicle) for 2021! 'Dancer' also finished #8 Breed and is currently #11 NOHS for 2022.

GCH CH Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortune's Favor PT TKN HTAD1 'Liam' went from class dog at the beginning of the year to Ch to GCh and finished #30 All Breed for 2021 with just a few weekends entered as a Special! He also took some time off to play with sheep earning his HTAD1 title including a High In Trial!

Nov 13-14

Wasting no time, NEW CHAMPION Zandria 'N Tercan Love & Light 'Eliza' pics up two more points at the Pacific NW Collie Club under Robin Reed and finishes before 10 months! 

Ch. Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle was also awarded BOS to Variety at the same show for a 5 pt major over specials and a Select Dog under Larry Willeford for another major toward his Grand.

Ch. SnoValley Tercan 'N Zandria's Love Story also get's in on the action taking a Select Bitch for her first major and Ch. defeats towards her Grand.

GCh Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortune's Favor, TKN picks up an Award of Merit also under Robin Reed.

To wrap up the weekend, Zandria 'N Tercan's Champagne Kisses Caviar Dreams "Tiffany" wins another Reserve Winners Bitch from the puppy class.

Oct 22-24

What a great weekend for the 'family'!

Her first time in the ring, Zandria 'N Tercan Love & Light 'Eliza' pics up two 4 point majors and a 5 point major from the Bred By class at just 10 months! 

Coming out at almost eight years of age, Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win at Jubillie 'Winnie' pics up several Selects as she comes out of retirement to play in the ring. Her son 'Liam' and grandkids 'Park' and 'Kerry'  had fun too!

Park (just one day older than Eliza), Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle picks up 11 more points including a 4 pt and 5 point major and becomes a NEW CHAMPION! His sister 'Kerry', Tercan 'N Zandria's Kissmet wins a Specialty 5pt Reserve Winners Bitch from the 9-12 puppy class!

Ch Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortune's Favor, TKN (sire to Park and Kerry and Winnie's son) picks up 3 Select Dog wins and then goes BOV and on to a Group 4! He also finished his GRAND Championship! He also helped his Junior Handler Alicia Sierra win a Reserve Best Jr In Show!

Showing them all how it's done, 'Aunt isla' GCh Zandria's Blazin' Isla TKN picks up a NOHS Group 3 and goes even bigger with a NOHS Group 1 and on to NOHS Reserve Best In Show! Congratulations to owner Jeanne Justice!

Sept 19

GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC TKN is now a SILVER GRAND CHAMPION!

SnoValley Tercan 'N Zandria's Love Story picks up that last needed point under Linda Riedel making her a NEW CHAMPION!

Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle "Park" goes Best of Winners bringing him to 5 pts and a major from the 6-9 puppy class. His sister, Zandria 'N Zandria 'N Tercan's Champagne Kisses Caviar Dreams "Tiffany" wins Reserve Winners Bitch from the puppy class for her first weekend out as well.

Aug 22

Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle "Park" picks up a major from the 6-9 puppy class under Rita Holloway and his dam GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC TKN goes BOV for 5 pts!

July 8-12

SnoValley Tercan 'N Zandria's Love Story rolls right along winning her 2nd major under Patti Widick Neale and at the end of the weekend needs just a single to finish. GCh Zandria's Bazing Isla TKI IT CGA CGCU (Isla) picks up Opp, Select and a BOV win along with earning her BN title! Her brother GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire IT CGC HIC TKN (Daegan) earned a few more Grand points as well. Coming out to play was baby Tercan 'N Zandria's Spin The Bottle "Park" who won a Group 1 and Group 2 from the 4-6 month puppy class!

May 14-16

As a move up, Ch Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortune's Favor, TKN picked up a Select Dog and a BOS to Variety at the combined Overlake and Collie Club of WA Specialty shows for 2 major wins and Champion defeats toward his Grand. Baby Page, SnoValley Tercan 'N Zandria's Love Story also picked up a 4 pt Specialty WB under Laura Weiss bringing her to 10 pts and a major from the 6-9 puppy class!

May 6-9

Champion #2 in 2021! NEW CHAMPION Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortune's Favor, TKN finished with another BOV over Specials for his final major! Liam's wins all came from the Bred By class. He is co-owned and co-bred with Alexzandra Erb of Zandria Collies and Theresa Marquardt of Jubillie Collies. Also picking up wins in April and May were GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire IT CGC HIC TKN (Daegan) with BOV/BOS and SD wins along with his sister GCh Zandria's Bazing Isla TKI IT CGA CGCU (Isla) who picked up BOV/BOS and SB plus a NOHS Group 4! Congratulations to owners/co-owners Dean and Jeanne Justice!  Littermate to these two, Ch Zandria N Gallisa's Standing Outside The Fire also picked up a BOV and SD. Congratulations to owner Melissa Gallip! To top off the fun at the Beehive cluster, father/son duo Daegan and Liam teamed up for the first time ever and won a Best In Show Brace!
Also making their debut were the new kids. Monarch Tercan 'N Zandria's Que Sera picked up several single points as did SnoValley Tercan 'N Zandria Love Story. A great start for these kids out of the puppy classes and at their very first shows!

April 30-May 2

Congratulations to NEW CHAMPION Zandria's Leo of London Lane (co-bred with Alexzandra Erb of Zandria Collies) on Leo's finishing win at the Yakima KC cluster! Congratulations to owner Lynne Ancestry-Alioth!


Oct 31

Zoey, Tercan Zandria Comstock Enchante' is now a NEW CHAMPION! She finished with her 3rd Specialty major under Janet Hitt. Congratulations to owners Jennifer Langham and Laura Langham-Sotoodeh!


Sept 23-27

At the first shows since the COVID shut down at the end of February, we were so glad to be back out showing despite the heavy rain! At the Enumclaw All Breed Cluster, GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire TKN HIC picks up two Select wins and an Opposite win handed by co-owner Dean Justice. His sister out did herself going Best of Breed three times, then an Opposite and a Select and earning her GRAND! Congrat's to owners Jeanne and Dean Justice for GCh Zandria's Blazin' Isla TKI IT CGA CGCU and to co-breeder Alexzandra Erb! Isla was piloted to the majority of her wins by Jeanne with Alex helping out the rest of the way.

Feb 22-23

A great start at the Overlake CC and CC of WA for baby 'Liam' Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortune's Favor who at 8 months at his first shows takes 3 major reserves and a 5pt Best of Winners! His sire, GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire TKN HIC also picks up a 5pt Select Dog, and Aunt Sydney BISS GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Honeytree Heartlight picks up a 5pt Select Bitch.  Even our Veteran girl kicked up her heels and got things done....GCh Encore 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick At Tercan, TKN HIC won the Veteran class 3 out of 4 days and picked up a big Best Opposite to Variety.

Feb 9

GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC aka Lizzie took a little trip to NY for the Westminster Dog Show and goes Select Bitch! The very same day across the country in California, baby Zoey, Tercan Zandria Comstock Enchante' goes Best of Breed from the 6-9 puppy class at her very first show weekend under Mary Murphy for a 5 pt major!

Jan 16-19

At the Rose City Classic BISS Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Honeytree Heartlight finishes her GRAND with two more BOV wins. Daegan, Ch Tercan 'N  Zandria's Playing With Fire, TKN, CGC also earned his GRAND and Isla, Ch Zandria's Blazing Isla, TKN CGCU CGCA picked up more Grand points. They also added CGC titles to the weekend! Ch Kara Christo Nightstar All In, HIC IT adds another Champion to the family with NEW CHAMPION Zandria 'N Gallissa's Standing Outside the Fire. 'Fluffy' finished with 3 - 5 point majors and is a littermate to Daegan and Isla. Not to be left out, GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC goes BOV (and can be seen on AKC.TV in the Herding Group) and picks up a couple of Selects as she gets closer to her Silver Grand.

Jan 11-13

At the Western Washington cluster BISS Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Honeytree Heartlight picks up more GCh points going Select twice and BOV over major entries. Daegan, Ch Tercan 'N  Zandria's Playing With Fire, TKN, CGC was handled by co-owner Dean Justice to a BOV win adding more Grand points as does litter sister Isla, Ch Zandria's Blazing Isla, TKN owned and handled by Jeannie Justice who collected Selects herself for major Grand points.



Many thanks to the owners and co-owners especially Alexzandra Erb of Zandria Collies who co-bred these kids with me and who was responsible handling the majority of the wins this year. Thanks also to her Mom Jennifer Weatherly who stepped in to help campaign Lizzie!


GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC

#5 Breed

#5 All Breed to earn her invite to Westminster in 2020!

BISS Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Honeytree Heartlight

#28 Breed

#17 All Breed

BISS GChB Swan's Grand Jete' of Tercan

Collie Club of America Award Of Merit

#1 National Owner Handled Smooth Collie (owned by Suanne King Hardie)

#18 Breed

#4 All Breed


Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire, CGC TKN (n/e)

Ch Zandria's Blazing Isla CGCU CGCA TKN

GCh Zandria's The Fire Inside

Ch Tercan Tam O'Shanter At Rosepoint

BISS Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Honeytree Heartlight (n/e)

Ch Kara Christo Nightstar All In, HIC IT (n/e)

Dec 6-8

At the Greater Clark County shows BISS Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Honeytree Heartlight comes back out for the first time since April and picks up a Select and BOV for more points toward her Grand.

Nov 9-10

At the Pacific NW Collie Club Specialites, GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC picks up another Select Bitch under Yvonne DeFreitas over a quality packed group of Specials.  A son of Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win At Jubillie, HIC IT (Zandria's Leo of London Lane) picks up a 5pt Major Reserve his 2nd weekend out.  Leo is sired by Ch. Countryview In High Regard. A son of Ch Kara Christo Nightstar All In, HIC IT (Zandria 'n Gallissa's Standing Outside The Fire) goes WD for a 5 point Specialty Major under Michelle Struble. He is a littermate to 3 other Champions out of GCh Zandria's Burn 'N It Down.

Nov 1-3

GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC wins a Select Bitch at the N CA Collie Club specialties under Sandra Wrenn and Daegan, Ch Tercan 'N  Zandria's Playing With Fire, TKN, CGC was handled by co-owner Dean Justice to two BOS wins adding 10 Grand points to his tally.

Oct 19-20

Baby Owin, Zandria 'N Tercan Know When To Hold'em, is entered in his first show in the 4-6 Puppy Competition and goes all the way to Best Puppy In Show over 46 puppies under Pat Putman! His brother Liam, Tercan 'N Zandria 'N Jubillie Fortune's Favor takes a puppy match Group 3.

On the 'grown up' side, GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC goes BOV both days, while Ch Zandria's The Fire Inside earns his Grand, his sister Ch Zandria's Blazing Isla takes two Selects, earns her CGC, and wins a NOHS Group 3, and brother Daegan, Ch Tercan 'N  Zandria's Playing With Fire, TKN takes a BOS as well. 

Oct 11-14

GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC takes a trip over the border and earns her Canadian Championship in one weekend with two Specialty BOV wins under Adria Weiner and Roxanne Heit as well as a Group 3!

Sept 5-8

GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC caps off a cluster of BOV's with a Group 4 under Steve Keating at the Umpqua KC shows.

July 6-7

GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC sweeps the Variety all 3 days at the Western Washington cluster under Arly Hussin, Lisa Graser and Lloyd Graser. 

Her litter sister, GChB Swan's Grand Jete Of Tercan ups the ante later in July taking a Grp 4 and a Grp 1, finishes her Bronze , and takes several OH Grp placements including an OHRBIS. Congrats to Owner Suanne King Hardie!

June 22-23

GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC gets two more Major Variety wins under Kai Wang and Klaus Anselm.

May 17-20

GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC sweeps the Variety 4 days under James Moses, Rita Holloway, Kerry Lee, and Emily Barnhart picking up 3 more 5pt major Grand wins.


Canine Chronicle Rankings Update as of 4/30/19

Three sisters are all ranked in both Breed and All Breed standings!

GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC is #2 Breed and #3 All Breed!

BISS Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Honeytree Heartlight #19 Breed and #8 All Breed!

BISS GCh Swan's Grand Jete' of Tercan #16 Breed and #14 All Breed!

May 2-4

GChB Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC picks up another Group 3 under Eric Liebes!


April 12-14

GCh Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC goes Best of Variety at the Inland Empire Collie Club a.m. show under Patricia Jung and BOV/BOSB under Cheryl Anderson at the p.m. show. She goes on to take two more BOV at the Ephrata Moses Lake shows finishing her Bronze and adds a Group 2 under Steve Keating!

Her sister thought she could do better and she did. Tercan 'N Zandria's Honeytree Heartlight 'Sydney' went all the way to Best In Specialty from the BBE class for her 2nd major under Patricia Jung. Then, at the all breed shows she goes BOV from the classes to a Group 1 (her 3rd 5 point Major!) ending the day as a NEW CHAMPION under Steve Keating! The next day as a Special she takes a Group 2 under Donna Buxton!

March 25-30 Collie Club of America National, Peoria IL

Wow. Just Wow. I am honored and thankful to be a repeat winner of the Collie Club of America Smooth Breeder of the Year. This time it is even sweeter as Alexzandra Erb of Zandria Collies shares this aware with me!

To top it off, our co-bred girl BISS GCh Swan's Grand Jete' of Tercan goes all the way to the final 3 smooth bitches considered for top honors and walks away with an Award of Merit! Dancer was beautifully shown by Laura Kling. Congratulations to her owner Suanne King Hardie of Swan Collies!!

​​March 23-24

GCh Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC goes Best of Variety both days and takes her first Group Placement (3rd) under John P Wade!

Feb 22-23

February just keeps rockin'! At the Collie Club of WA and Overlake Collie Club Combined cluster, another Creed kid finishes - Zandria's Blazing Isla is a NEW CHAMPION finishing under Barb Linder with another Specialty major. Isla is owned and partially handled by by Jeanne Justice. Then two days later her brother Daegan becomes NEW CHAMPION Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire, TKN! Daegan is co-owned by Dean Justice and he finished with all majors!  Litter brother Ch Zandria's The Fire Within, TKN picks up 3 Select Dogs and a BOS to Variety and his Trick Dog Novice title. Seger is owned by Kathryn Horton and Alexzandra Erb.  Not to be left out of the action 1/2 sister, GCh Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles HIC goes Best of Variety under Lynn Butler and Select under Laura LaBounty.

Feb 16-17

This time it was 'Dad's' turn! A WD under Carl Williford and a 4th Major under Linda Tefelski at the N CA Collie Club shows means Creed is now NEW CHAMPION Kara Christo Nightstar All In!  Then the same day in Iowa, his son finishes too! It is now NEW CHAMPION Tercan's Tam O'Shanter At Rosepoint! Not to be left behind, daughter Zandria's Blazing Isla picks up more points including her second Major and another daughter GCh Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles picks up two 5 pt Select Specialty wins under Linda Tefeslki and Nioma Coen! Not bad for a weekend trip to Cali!

January 17-20

More wins for the Creed kids at the Portland Rose City Classic Cluster! Sired by Kara Christo Nightstar All In, HIC IT three of his kids out of GCh Zandria's Burn 'N It Down are in the ribbons. Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire, TKN picked up his 3rd major bringing him to 11 pts in 3 weekends. His sister Zandria's Blazing Isla owned by Jeanne and Dean Justice came close with 3 reserves in her 3 shows. Another Creed kid becomes NEW CHAMPION Zandria's The Fire Inside going WD twice more to complete his Championship by 10 months!

Creed's daughter, GCH Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles, HIC out of Tercan 'N Zandria's Plot Twist went BOV 3 out of 4 shows with an entry of 6 Specials for 3-5pt majors toward her Bronze.

January 12-13

Congratulations to the kids sired by Kara Christo Nightstar All In, HIC IT who won at the W WA All Breed cluster! Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire, TKN won a Major Reserve while his sister Zandria's Blazing Isla owned by Jeanne Justice picked up a nice 5 Point Major! Another Creed kid, Encore's Mystic Warrior won his own 5 Point Major as well! Creed's daughter, GCH Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles, HIC picked up a Select for another 5 points toward her Bronze. Nice start to 2019!



Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire picked up his first title - Trick Dog Novice! Great job Dean justice!

November 10-11

Tercan 'N Zandria's Playing With Fire, "Daegan" makes his show deput at the Pacific NW Collie Club shows from the Bred By class and picks up both Majors. His litter sister, Zandria's Blazing Isla won her first points from the 6-9 puppy class. 

November 2-4

Ch. Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles had a great Specialty debut as a Special at the NorCal Collie shows. She finished her Grand in short order and is nearly half way to her Bronze.

Sierra Nevada Collie Club (a.m. show) 
Judge Hildy Morgan - Select Bitch

Sierra Nevada Collie Club (p.m. show) 
Judge Pat Jung - Best of Variety

California Collie Fanciers (a.m. show)
Judge Lee Runnels - Select Bitch

California Collie Fanciers (p.m. show)
Judge John Buddie - Best of Variety/Best Opposite to Breed

Sacramento Valley Collie Club Inc (a.m. show)
Judge Yvonne Samuelson - Select Bitch

Sacramento Valley Collie Club Inc (p.m. show)
Judge Joe Reno - Select Bitch

Her sire "Creed" Kara Christo Nightstar All In, HIC IT picked up another major going WD/BOS and needs just 3 singles to finish. 

Kudo's also to another "Creed" kid Zandria's The Fire Inside who picked up 3 majors from the 6-9 puppy class. 


Congratulations to Phyllis Frost and her boy 'Eli' GCh Tercan 'N Zandria's Game Changer for earning Eli's Grand and ranking #8 in the AKC Owner Handler Series!

Aug 18-19

Ch. Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles goes BOS and Select Bitch picking up 2 more majors and all Champion defeat wins toward her Grand Championship title.

June 23

NEW CHAMPION Tercan 'N Zandria's Enchantment! Piper is co-owned with Jennifer Weatherly and she handled her first point to last! She finished with a nice 4 pt major at the Clackamas KC. 

May 19, 21

NEW CHAMPION Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles wraps up her title taking another major under James Reynolds. Her first time out as a Special she goes BOV for a 3pt major toward her Grand and gets a cut in a huge Herding group under Peter Frost!

April In Review

Very proud to see two Tercan and Zandria bred Collies in the Canine Chronicle All Breed Rankings. GCHB Encore 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick At Tercan , HIT ranks #12 and Ch. Swan's Grand Jete' of Tercan ranks #8!

April 13, 15

Tercan 'N Zandria's Enchantment wins a 5 point Specialty major and a major reserve for the weekend! Great job Jen on handling her!

April 5

Congratulations to Suanne King Hardie and NEW CHAMPION Swan's Grand Jete of Tercan! Dancer finishes on her 1st birthday!

March 28th

Collie Club of America National Show - Virginia Beach, VA

Spectacular day for the Creed x Twist kids! Tercan Tam O'Shanter at Rosepoint owned by Kate Henderson Thornton and Amy Gau goes 3rd in the 9-12 smooth puppy dog class. Littermate Swan's Grand Jete' of Tercan owned by Suanne Hardie and handled by Laura Bergstraser win the 9-12 smooth puppy bitch class and then go on to take RESERVE WINNERS BITCH! What a fantastic showing on the National stage for these kids!!

Feb 23-25th

Collie Club of WA and Overlake Collie Club

What a show weekend!

To start - Collie Club of WA, Feb 23rd our 10 month puppy Tercan 'N Zandria's Honeytree Heartlight 'Sydney' goes Best in Sweeps under Allysa Worl in an entry of 12. 

Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles aka 'Lizzie' (littermate to Sydney) isn't left out as she goes WB for a major from the Bred By Class under Erin Blaisure!

Feb 24th - Collie Club of WA in the a.m. show this time under John Buddie, 'Lizzie goes WB and Best of Winners for another major again from the Bred By Class. Her sire 'Creed' KaraChristo Nightsar All In, HIC, IT wins a major RWD.

Feb 24th -Overlake Collie Club at the p.m. show under Judy Pitt 'Lizzie' takes a major RWB and her dam Tercan 'N Zandria's Plot Twist 'Twist' wins the Open Sable Class.

Feb 25th - Overlake Collie Club under Jocelyn Higa-Sutton, 'Sydney' goes Best in Sweeps again and then follows up in the regular classes under Lilly Russell with a 5pt major WB and then goes on to Best of Winners! Her sister 'Lizzy' gets another major RWB and their sire 'Creed' also wins a major RWD. 'Twist' repeats her Open Sable class win.

Feb 2-5
Maya, GCh Encore 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick at Tercan comes back to the ring after 7 months off and has a great weekend at the AZ specialties and All Breeds. She finishes her BRONZE Grand title, goes BOV 3x over multiple specials and Select 1x and caps off the weekend with a nice Group 2!  Lizzie, Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles went WB 3x, RWB 3x and picked up 2 Best of Breed Puppy awards. Kudo's to Alexzandra Erb for a very busy weekend and thanks to Cindy Frusetta for handling Maya in the group win while Alex was on her rough special.
Jan 18-21
Tercan 'N Zandria's Enchantment picks up a couple more singles and is now minored out and waiting for majors. Great job handling by co-owner Jennifer Weatherly!
Ch Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win at Jubillie comes back out after a year off and picks up a nice Select major win toward her grand over 2 specials! Great to see co-owner Theresa Marquardt back in the ring!
Tercan 'N Zandria's Plot Twist comes back after her litter under the guidance of new co-owner and Jr Handler Mikaela Bjorn to take a nice RWB over a large quality entry. Great start!



Nov 11-12
Another busy weekend! Tercan 'N Zandria's Enchantment takes RWB under Judie Evans and WB under David Calderwood at the Pacific NW CC show while Tercan 'N Zandria's Honeytree Heartlight wins 2 Best in Sweeps at the same show and RWB to a major alsounder David Calderwood while still in the 6-9 month puppy class.
Nov 3-5
Busy weekend! Kara Christon Nighstar All In picks up his 2nd major and a mjr reserve at the Sacramento Valley Collie Club. His daughters were also in the ribbons with Tercan 'N Zandria's Honeytree Heartlight picking up a RWB at the Sierra Nevada Collie club at her first show and her sister Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles picking up WB at the CA Collie Fanciers then a RWB at the Sacramento Valley Collie Club. Tercan 'N Zandria's Enchantment co-owned with Jennifer Weatherly also picked up a RWB at the Sierra Nevada Collie Club.
Oct 13-15
Tercan 'N Zandria's Enchantment and Zandria 'N Tercan's Kiss My Freckles both pick up points on the Idaho All Breed circuit.
Oct 1
Kara Christo Nightstar All In goes WD for another point under Butch Schulman.
Sept 10
Congratulations to Phyllis Frost and her new boy Ch. Tercan 'N Zandria's Game Changer on her OH Group 3 under Collie specialist Lily Russell in just their 2nd outing together!
June 24-25
At the Clackamas KC shows, GCh Encore 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick at Tercan goes BOV on Saturday and Select on Sunday shown by co-owner/co-breeder/handler Alexzandra Erb. Her daughter, Tercan 'N Zandria's Enchantment goes WB/BW Saturday and RWB Sunday shown by co-owner/handler Jennifer Weatherly.
March 21-24 Collie Club of America Specialty Show - Sacramento, CA
We had a great showing at the CC of A!
KaraChristo Nightstar All In won the 12-18 month smooth dog class and Tercan 'N Zandria's Enchantment won 2nd in the 12-18 month smooth bitch class. GCh Encore 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick at Tercan also made the first cut in bitch specials despite blowing coat.
March 11-12
GCh. Encore 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick At Tercan goes Best of Variety both days at the Seattle KC over a special.
Feb 26
KaraChristo Nightstar All In picks up a Best in Sweepstakes at the Overlake Collie Club and then follows it up with a 5pt Major Reserve under Alma Metz!
Feb 24
KaraChristo Nightstar All In takes a 5pt Major WD at the Collie Club of Washington his second week out under Roxanne Heit!
Feb 17

GCh. Encore 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick At Tercan goes BOS to Variety at the Collie Club of N. CA under Debra E. Tessmann-Van Leaven and then at the 2nd specialty of the day, goes Select Bitch under Matt Stelter - both wins over specials.
Jan 20
Group 3 in a very competitive and large group at the Rose City Classic for GCh. Encore 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick At Tercan!
Jan 14-16

GCh. Encore 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick At Tercan goes Select Bich over a special, then BOS over 2 specials at the Puyallup All Breed cluster.
Tercan N' Zandria's Plot Twist comes out after almost a year off to take a 4pt Reserve WB at the Puyallup show!


Dec 10-11
GCh. Encore 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick At Tercan goes BOV over specials on the 10th and BOS on the 11th picking up another major and points toward her Silver Grand. Tercan 'N Zandria's Man In Motion at Silvertip picks up WD on the 11th for another point.
Nov 12
Kara Christo Nightstar All In goes RWD at the Pacific NW Collie Club show under Dr Bill Brokken
Oct 23
GCh. Encore 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick At Tercan goes BOV over specials and her daughter Tercan 'N Zandria's Enchantment goes WB for two points.  
Sept 10
Tercan 'N Zandria's Enchantment goes RWB from the puppy class her 2nd weekend out.
August 21
First win for baby Piper! Tercan 'N Zandria's Enchantment goes WB from the puppy class at her first show.
August 20
Bred by NEW CHAMPION #5 for the year goes to new Ch. Zandria's Burn'n It Down co-bred with Alex Erb and Corinne Boon! Ember is owned by Alex Erb and Melissa Conley. Congratulations to all of their owners!
April 15
Bred by NEW CHAMPION #4 for the year goes to new Ch. Zandria Encore Tercan's Illumination co-bred with Alex Erb and Corinne Boon! Lucas finishes with a specialty win at the Inland Empire Collie Club. Also that weekend finished a new Grand Ch. Encore's Zandria 'N Tercan's Magic In The Sky and a new Rally Novice title for Ch. Encore's Zandria 'N Tercan's Just The Right Magic (RN!). Congratulations to all of their owners! All of the above dogs were also co-bred with Alex and Corinne.
April 1-2
Tercan 'N Zandria's Man In Motion At Silvertip owned by Bev Search goes RWD Sat and then BOW on Sunday. Congrat's Bev!
March 26-27
GCh. Encore 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick At Tercan continues her streak going BOV both days at the Peninsula DFA shows over specials.
March 12-13
GCh. Encore 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick At Tercan goes BOV both days at the Seattle KC over specials.
Feb 26
Congratulations to Bred By Ch #3 for the year NEW CHAMPION Zandria Encore Tercan's Uncloudy Day for finishing her Championship at the Collie Club of Washington! Owned by Alex Erb and Remy Henderson. Co-Bred with Alex and Corinne Boon.
Jan 22
Tercan ' N Zandria's Man In Motion At Silvertip takes a 4pt major reserve at Portland/Rose City!
Jan 21
Hello Bred By NEW CHAMPION #2 for 2016! New Champion Tercan 'N Zandria's Game Changer HIC picks up his 3rd major to finish at the Portland/Rose City shows before his 2nd birthday!
Jan 16
Starting out the year with a new Bred By NEW CHAMPION! Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win at Jubillie picks up her last couple of singles and finishes her title at the Puyallup cluster!


Dec 5
Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win at Jubillie goes BOV over a special and on to a Group 3!
Nov 15
Tercan 'N Zandria's Game Changer 'Eli' goes WD at the Whidby Island KC for his second major!
Nov 7
'Winnie' Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win at Jubillie takes ANOTHER Specialty 4pt Major at the Pacific NW Collie Club under j. Patti Merrill for her 2nd Major!
Nov 1
'Winnie' Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win at Jubillie takes a Specialty 4pt Major at the Sacramento Valley CC under j. Misti Labs for her first major!
Oct 17-18
At the Wenatchee KC, 'Winnie' Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win at Jubillie goes WB/BW for 2 pts. The next day, Tercan 'N Zandria's Game Changer 'Eli' goes RWD and 'Winnie' also goes RWB.
Sept 19-20
Tercan 'N Zandria's Game Changer 'Eli' goes RWD and his sister 'Winnie' Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win at Jubillee goes RWB. The next day, Winnie goes BOV over a special and her brother Eli goes WD for a point.
Sept 13
Tercan 'N Zandria's Game Changer 'Eli' takes BOV over a special for another point
Sept 5-6

Tercan 'N Zandria's Game Changer 'Eli' takes BOV both days at the Eugene KC bringing his total to 7 pts and a major with 5 weekends out.
Aug 15-16
GCh. Encore's 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick at Tercan is back in the ring for the first time since her litter this Spring. She picks up 2 BOS wins for 4 more points toward her Bronze Grand Championship.
June 20
Tercan N' Zandria's Plot Twist and Tercan 'N Zandria's Game Changer both earned their Collie Club of America Herding Instinct Test Certification!
May 3

Tercan N' Zandria's Plot Twist goes WB at the Olympia Dog Fanciers for her first point from the 6-9 puppy class.
She is now changing her wardrobe and will be back later in 2015 or early 2016.
April 10
Tercan N' Zandria's Plot Twist goes to the Inland Empire Collie Club and at 6 months and 2 days, she takes a major reserve!
Jan 10-11
Tercan 'N Zandria's Game Changer 'Eli' takes a major reserve at the Puyallup cluster on Saturday and follows that up with a Major win on Sunday going Best of Winners!
GCh. Encore's 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick at Tercan continues her winning ways picking up Selects and BOS for majors and Ch. defeats at the Puyallup and Rose City Cluster bringing her point count 1/2 way to her Bronze title.


Nov 9
Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win at Jubilliee co-owned and shown by Theresa Marquardt goes Runner Up in Sweeps at the Pacific NW Collie Club!
Nov 8
GCh. Encore's 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick At Tercan takes an Award of Merit at the Pacific NW Collie Club under j. Matt Stelter.
Oct 25
Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win At Jubillie goes Best of Winners for her first two points from the puppy class!
Sept 27-29
Tercan 'N Zandria's Game Changer 'Eli' picks up his first points from the 6-9 puppy class at the Richland Kennel Club shows. His sister 'Winnie', Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win at Jubilliee repeats her RWB placements both days including winning her class of 3.
Sept 21
Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win at Jubilliee co-owned and shown by Theresa Marquardt goes RWB over open bitch entries at the Gig Harbor KC - great job!
Sept 6
Maya continues her winning ways picking up another win going Select over Bitch specials for a 3 pt major. She is dropping coat now and will be back in a few months to continue having fun in the ring!
Aug 30-31
Make that GRAND Ch. Encore's 'N Zandria's Parlor Trick At Tercan. Maya picks up two BOS placements to finish her Grand Championship.
Aug 16-17
Ch. Encore's 'N Zandrias Parlor Trick At Tercan, Maya, goes BOS and Select Bitch at the Olympic KC adding 9 more points (two majors) towards her Grand title.  Maya congratulates her half sister new Ch.  Zandria's Get This Party Started on finishing her Championship!
Tercan 'N Zandria's Game Changer goes to his first shows taking 1st and 2nd class placements out of 3 entries from the 6-9 puppy class.
While Tercan 'N Zandria's Win Win at Jubilliee didn't have defeat wins this weekend she did show like a rockstar and she enjoyed the fun!
June 28-29
Ch. Encore's 'N Zandrias Parlor Trick At Tercan comes out again as a Special and goes Best of Variety both days at the Bell Vernon shows and then blows it all away by taking a Herding Group 1 at 16 months of age! She has picked up 15pts toward her grand with just these 3 wins.
June 7
Ch. Encore's 'N Zandrias Parlor Trick At Tercan comes out the first time as a Special and goes Select Bitch to pick up a 5pt Grand Major over 4 bitch specials to start her journey to her Grand Champion title under Collie breeder judge Richella Veatch.
Feb 23

Make that a CHAMPION! Encore's 'N Zandrias Parlor Trick At Tercan wraps up her AKC Championship with a third major picking up Winners Bitch at the Collie Club of Washington under Phyllis Autry! Her litter brother goes WD/BW and finishes at the same show! Not to be outdone, another litter brother picks up his 3rd major at these shows and needs just 1 pt to finish.
Jan 18
Encore's 'N Zandrias Parlor Trick At Tercan picks up her second major taking a 4pt Best of Winners at the Rose City Classic in Portland!
Jan 10, 12, 13
Encore's 'N Zandrias Parlor Trick At Tercan goes Sweeps Runner Up at the Overlake Collie Club. She follows up that win with an all breed 4 pt Major Best of Winners plus an additional Best of Winners placement the next day. Her litter brothers also take home 3 majors for the weekend!


Nov 2-3
Encore's 'N Zandrias Parlor Trick At Tercan comes oh so close...taking a 5pt mjr reserve from the 6-9 puppy class at the California Collie Fanciers Specialty under Kathy Ryan. The next day she takes another mjr reserve also from the puppy class under Tim Garrison at the Sacramento Valley Collie Club.

Sept 28-29
Encore's 'N Zandrias Parlor Trick At Tercan picks up her first points going WB/BW on Sat and WB/BW/BOS on Sunday at the Richland Kennel Club shows for a total of 3 points for the weekend. Her brother also gets his start picking up WD both days for his first points.

Sept 21
Encore's 'N Zandrias Parlor Trick At Tercan "Maya" came back to chase sheep at the CC of A Western Regional trial and earned her CCA Herding Instinct Certification. She remembered her sheep and enjoyed it even more the second time around.

June 22-23
Tercan's Untold Stories goes RWD both days at Clackamas KC handled by Alex Erb.

June 16
Had a great day chasing sheep! Tercan's Untold Stories and Honeytree Important Message both earned their Collie Club of American herding instinct certification! Even baby Maya (Encore's 'N Zandrias Parlor Trick At Tercan) got in on the action and although she was too young to certify for the CC of A, the instructor passed her as well! We will be back with Maya when she is older to make it 'official'.

June 9
Tercan's Untold Stories repeats his RWD placement this time at the Puyallup All Breed cluster, handled by Alex Erb.

Jan 17
Tercan's Untold Stories goes RWD at the Rose City Cluster in Portland, OR handled by Alex Erb.


Nov 25
WOW! Willow is now NATCH-3 and Versatility NATCH-3 and is the FIRST Collie to get NATCH-3! She is now Vers-NATCH-3 NATCH-3 Tercan’s Salix Lasiandra CD RAE AX AXJ OF S-EAC S-EJC S-ECC S-TG-E S-TN-E S-WV-E S-HP-E VSD MPD PGM PSM PJM PRM APK CGC HIC! Huge congratulations to her owner and trainer Deanna Lyons for this accomplishment!!

Sept 15-16
Tercan's Untold Stories goes WD Saturday then RWD Sunday at the Wenatchee KC shows giving him another point for the weekend effort.

Aug 18-19
Tercan's Untold Stories goes Best of Winners both days at the Olympic KC picking up two more points.



Nov 19-20
Tercan's Untold Stories picks up an all breed major! Across the country for co-owner Joey Peschong going WD for 2pts is Tercan's Dubh Irick. Hot on his heels and going Reserve to Irick is Tamaron's Cirean O'Tercan. The next day, Irick takes RWD.

Oct 29-30
Tercan's Live And Learn takes two more Major Reserves at the Vancouver KC shows.

Sept 3-4
Tercan's Live And Learn goes RWB Saturday then WB Sunday for another point at the Longview Kelso shows.

May 7-8
Tercan's Untold Stories picks up his first two points at the Beehive cluster piloted by Alex including a BOV.

April 13
Tercan's Untold Stories and Alex take a trip to Tulsa, OK for the Collie Club of America National Show and take third place in the 9-12 AOAC class.

April 2-3
Ch. Tercan Gentry Last Chance and Alex go Best of Variety at the Chintimini shows wrapping up the last needed win to earn the title of GRAND Champion! Chance retires from his show career with this feather in his cap!

Feb 27
Tercan's Dubh Irick takes a Major Reserve and Ch. Tercan Gentry Last Chance goes BOS to Variety over multiple specials.

Feb 25-26
Tercan's Live And Learn is back in the ring for the first time since having her puppies and takes two major reserves. Ch. Tercan Gentry Last Chance and Alex take an Award of Merit both days and also pick up a Select Dog win for a major.

Feb 13
Tercan's Dubh Irick goes Best of Winners for two points at the Albany, OR shows! Congrat's Joey and Irick!!!



Nov 20-21
Tercan's Famous Last Words piloted by Alex goes WD, BW and BOS over two specials for 2 points on the 20th. Then, on the 21st, he finishes his Championship going WD. Champion #2 for his sire, Ch. Bravo Tercan New Attitude HIC CGC CD RA! Congrats also to Alex and her Ian granddaughter, Bravo's Adorasion, taking their 2nd major on the 20th as well!
Also winning another title is Amos' brother Tercan's Dubh Irick earning a 96 for his last Rally Novice A leg as well as taking a major reserve! Congrat's Joey and Irick!!!

Nov 14
Tercan's Famous Last Words handled by Alexzandra Erb takes a major Specialty win under Gayle Kaye at the Pacific NW Collie Club! Tercan's Dubh Irick also picks up his second Rally leg!

Nov 13

Tercan's Dubh Irick and owner Joey Peschong enter the Rally ring for the first time and pick up their first leg! Congrats!

Sept 25-26
Tercan's Famous Last Words goes WD on the 25th and WD/BW/BOV on the 26th to pick up 2 more points for the weekend.


Sept 18-19
Tercan's Dubh Irick goes Winners Dog/Best of Variety for another point. No competition the next day on the 19th and he repeated going Best of Variety.

August 21-22
Tercan's Live And Learn goes Winners Bitch for another point on 8/21 then goes reserve the next day.

July 17

Tercan's Live And Learn goes Winners Bitch for another point.  Ch. Tercan Gentry Last Chance and Alex go Best of Variety again!

July 10-11

Ch. Tercan Gentry Last Chance and Alex go Best of Breed for the circuit at the Coos Bay shows.

June 26-27
Ch. Tercan Gentry Last Chance and Alex go Best of Breed for the circuit at the Canby shows.

June 12
Tercan's Famous Last Words goes WD/BW and Best of Variety for another point.

May 13-16
Ch. Tercan Gentry Last Chance and Alex go Best of Breed for the circuit including picking up Grand Championship points.

May 8
Ch. Tercan Gentry Last Chance and Alex go Best of Variety and Best Opposite to Breed at the Utah Collie Club.
Tercan's Famous Last Words goes WD at the Intermountain KC then at the evening Specialty show, goes WD and Best Opposite to Variety.
Tercan's Dubh Irick goes Winners Dog at the evening specialty handled by owner Joey Peschong.
Tercan's Live And Learn takes the cake at the evening Specialty show going Best of Breed from the classes!

May 7 & 9
Ch. Tercan Gentry Last Chance and Alex go Best of Breed at the Utah Valley KC and Intermountain KC.

April 17-18
Ch. Tercan Gentry Last Chance and Alex go Best of Breed at the Inland Empire All Breed shows!

April 10
Ch. Tercan Gentry Last Chance and Alex take a Group 4 at the Timberland DFA show! Whoo hoo!

April 3-4
Ch. Tercan Gentry Last Chance goes Best of Variety both days at the Albany shows his first time out as a special. Great Job Chance and Alex!

March 23-24 Collie Club of America National Show, Pomona, CA
Tercan's Salix Lasiandra completes her last RAE Q and picks up agility legs at the National. Bonus wins for highest scoring Collie with Rally and Obedience titles!
Tercan's Famous Last Words goes 3rd in the Open Smooth Dog class (too bad there was only 3 that showed but that's the way the dog show goes!).
Tercan's Live And Learn has a nice showing in the Open Smooth Bitch class going 2nd out of 8.  

February 28

New Champion Tercan Gentry Last Chance! After a scary tumble in the ring the day before and Alex doing a simultaneous twisted ankle and knee dislocation (that takes skill!), Alex did an amazing job powering through the pain.  It paid off as judge Joyce Vanek put them up to Winners Dog for a last needed major and then added icing on the cake with a Best of Winners.

February 26
Tercan Gentry Last Chance is back with a bang! Alex and Chance pick up like they have never been out of the ring and go Winners Dog at the Collie Club of Washington Specialty under Gwen Means!

February 21
Tercan's Salix Lasiandra does it! Make that NADAC Agility Trial Champion (NATCH) Tercan's Salix Lasiandra CD, RE, OA, OAJ, NF, S-EAC, S-EJC, O-ECC, S-TG-E, S-TN-E, WV-E, HP-E, PD2, PS2, PJ2, PG2, PR2, PK2, CGC, HIC! What a great accomplishment for a great team!

Tercan's Salix Lasiandra  comes in as #1 Rough Collie for 2009 in all 7 Elite NADAC classes...congratulations Deanna and Willow!


November 6
Ch. Bravo Tercan New Attitude CD RA HIC spends his 7th birthday earning his AKC Canine Good Citizen.  His son, Tercan's Dubh Irick, also earns his CGC!

August 28
Tercan's Famous Last Words goes to play with the sheep again and earns his Collie Club of America Herding Instinct Certification.  His brother, Tercan's Dubh Irick, also picks up his certification on his first exposure to stock!

August 15-16
Tercan's Famous Last Words finally enters the ring and he does it in style taking an all breed major. Thank you to Alexandra Erb for pointing him in the right direction.
Tercan's Daybreak At Nordic Mist also has a win the next day taking a major reserve handled by his owner Chris.

June 20-21
Tercan's Have A Little Faith makes the rank of Champion going WB both days at the Canby shows giving Ivan his third Champion! Thank you Alex for grooming and presenting Tia to her best.

March 10-12
Bravo's Zandria's Party N' A Box finishes in grand style over the weekend taking a 5 pt reserve, then two more majors the next two days!  Congrats Alex on finishing 'Fetti and giving Ian his first Champion!

February 20th
Tercan's Live And Learn takes a runner up in Sweepstakes at the Collie Club of Washington at her first official shows.  Liv was handled all weekend by Alexandra Erb who had a challenge with a headstrong and hormonal young lady but the two of them made a great pair.  

January 16th
Tercan's Have A Little Faith goes WB today at the Portland cluster for 2 more points.  Thanks Alex for handling her at this cluster!

January 9th
Tercan's Have A Little Faith picks up her second major...rolling on to her Championship!  Thank you to Alexandra Erb for her great handling.



November 8th
Tercan's Have A Little Faith continues her winning ways going WB/BW for a 5 pt Major at the Pacific NW Collie Club under j. Larry Willaford.  Winning at a show is always nice...winning under a breeder judge is even nicer!

November 2nd
Tercan Gentry Last Chance wraps up the visit to California going WD/BW for 4pts at the Sierra Nevada Collie Club under Sara Karl.  

October 31st
Tercan Gentry Last Chance is back after taking the summer off and goes WD for 2pts under Susan Christie at the California Collie Fanciers.  

September 27th & 28th
Tercan's Have A Little Faith is back in the ring for the first time after her litter and goes RWB both days at the Richland KC.  Her two kids play at a fun match that weekend and take a group 2 and 4...quite a family affair!

February 24th
Tercan's Have A Little Faith picks up a major reserve under Jackie Corwin at the Collie Club of Washington specialty.
Ch. Bravo Tercan New Attitude CD HIC turns his RN into an RA also at the CC of WA specialty!

January 10 & 12th
Tercan Gentry Last Chance has a good month taking a Specialty Best Junior in Show with Alexandra Erb and Alex also pilots him to his second major reserve.



December 1
Tercan's Have A Little Faith and Tercan Gentry Last Chance take a trip to the country and pass their Collie Club of America Herding Instinct Certification with their first exposure to stock!  

November 10-11
Ian congratulates his son, Bravo Zandria's Party 'N' A Box, on picking up two legs on his RN title at the Pacific NW CC and helping Alex win Best Junior!
Congratulations also to Tercan's Salix Lasiandra on her new CD title!

October 28
Tercan Gentry Last Chance takes WD, BW and BOV.

October 13
Tercan's Have A Little Faith goes Best In Sweeps at the Overlake Collie Club Specialty!
Congratulations to Alexzandra and her Best Junior In Show win at the Overlake Collie Club with Tercan Gentry Last Chance!  "Chance" also goes RWD at the Overlake Specialty.  
Bravo's Tercan Voices Carry goes Best Bred By Exhibitor In Show.

September 30

Tercan's Have A Little Faith takes WB/BOS for another point at the Richland KC.

September 23
Tercan Gentry Last Chance takes a major reserve at the Helena KC...great job Alex!

September 20
Congratulations to Alexzandra and her Best Junior In Show win at the Gallatin KC with Tercan Gentry Last Chance!  What a great team!

September 16
Tercan Gentry Last Chance goes WD/BOS for a point at the Wenatchee KC.  Chance is spending some time in the Juniors ring as well as he teams up with Alexzandra Erb of Zandria Shelties.  Alex will be showing Chance in many of his coming outings.

July 21-22
Tercan's Have A Little Faith goes out for her second weekend and picks up RWB both days.

July 7-8
Tercan's Have A Little Faith goes BOV at six months and two weeks at her first show.  The next day, she was only outdone by her litter brother, Tercan's Daybreak at Nordic Mist who went BOV at his second show!  A good start for these new kids.
Tercan's Daybreak at Nordic Mist.  Logan makes his home at Nordic Mist Newfoundlands. Congrat's Chris on Logan going BOV at his second show! Logan passes his CGC on the first try at 7 1/2 months! Congrats Chris and Logan on being the first titleholder from the litter!
Ch. Tercan's Dark Thoughts CD has his first exposure to stock and passes his CC of A HIC test!  Also passing her HIC was Tercan's Salix Lasiandra, CGC, RN!

Ch. Bravo Tercan New Attitude CD goes High In Trial at the Overlake Collie Club specialty. He also picks up his first leg on his Rally Novice title.
Tercan's Salix Lasiandra CGC (and now RN!) picked up all three legs of her Rally Novice title in January as well!
Congratulations to Deanna and Don!  Also congrats to their "other" collie, Border Collie Tenaya on her new Rally Novice title!!


Tercan Gentry Last Chance heads out for another show weekend going WD/BW both day for two more points.

Tercan Gentry Last Chance starts his show career going WD and WD/BW for his first two points.


Bravo's Tercan Voices Carry continues her winning streak taking four BOV and racking up 4 more points.

Bravo's Tercan Voices Carry brings home 4 points her second weekend out!  Congratulations to her litter sister Ch. Bravo's Gentry Sarah Lee for finishing her Championship last month!

New Champion Bravo's Colebrae Faith O Tercan not only finishes her Championship by picking up 2 more 4pt majors at an all breed weekend, but she also takes Specialty BOS to BOV and a BOV!  


Bravo's Colebrae Faith O Tercan hits her first shows winning 3 out of 4 days and picking up a total of 8 points including a specialty 4pt major!



Bravo's Tercan Voices Carry also earns her CCA Herding Instinct Certification!

Ch. Bravo Tercan New Attitude CD RN earns his CCA Herding Instinct Certificate!


Ch. Bravo Tercan New Attitude CD earnes his Rally Novice title in three shows!  His rough brother at Gentry's Collies also finishes his Championship.
Tercan's Salix Lasiandra CGC goes Rally High In Trial at the Pacific NW Collie Club...great job Deanna and Willow!
Bravos Tercan Voices Carry sends congratulations to her litter sister at Gentry's Collies for picking up her first major from the puppy class!

Ch. Tercan's Dark Thoughts CD has his first exposure to stock and passes his CC of A HIC test!  Also passing her HIC was Tercan's Salix Lasiandra, CGC, RN!

Ch. Bravo Tercan New Attitude CD goes High In Trial at the Overlake Collie Club specialty. He also picks up his first leg on his Rally Novice title.
Tercan's Salix Lasiandra CGC (and now RN!) picked up all three legs of her Rally Novice title in January as well! Congratulations to Deanna and Don! 
Also congrats to their "other" collie, Border Collie Tenaya on her new Rally Novice title!!



Ch. Bravo Tercan New Attitude CD goes BOS to BOV at the Collie Club of Washington under Carmen Leonard.
That same day, he was first in exhibition Rally (98/100) and runner up to High In Trial from Novice B.  He then took a trip to Canada and picked up 4 points including an All Breed Best Of Variety and a Specialty Winners Dog.

Ch. Bravo Tercan New Attitude finishes his CD in 2 weekends of shows!
Gentry Tercan Suncatcher picks up 2 BOV and makes a cut in the group her first weekend out!

* Congratulations to Deanna and Don on "Willow's" CGC! * "Willow" is also known as Tercan's Salix Lasiandra and is gearing up for Agility and Rally next!

Yes, we were showing and competing prior to 2004 (from 1991 actually) but the show win page wasn't added to my site until 2004.  Maybe someday I will go back through my records prior to 2004...someday...

© 2020 by Candace Hunter

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